❗This script was written for AutoHotKey v1, which has been deprecated since January 2023. You can still download AHK v1, but you probably shouldn’t. I also can’t guarantee the effectiveness of this script or provide an update given I no longer use Windows. I recommend you use it as inspiration for what you might be able to do with your own script in AHK v2.
Auto Hot key is a powerful scripting language for Windows that allows you to automate almost anything by sending keystrokes and mouse clicks.
You can download Auto Hot Key at https://www.autohotkey.com.
This is a copy of my old script, which I used to automate a few things. It’s not particularly complex or well-written, but it might give you some ideas for your own script.
It is broken up into copy-able sections with some added comments, you can download the full script from the link at the bottom of the page.
Ascii art
; ____ ____ ____ ____ ___________________________ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____
;||A |||u |||t |||o ||| |||H |||o |||t |||K |||e |||y ||
Admin stuff
#NoEnv ; Recommended for performance and compatibility with future AutoHotkey releases.
; #Warn ; Enable warnings to assist with detecting common errors.
SendMode Input ; Recommended for new scripts due to its superior speed and reliability.
SetWorkingDir %A_ScriptDir% ; Ensures a consistent starting directory.
#SingleInstance, Force ; Only allow once 1 instance of this script.
; AHK Key: (Alt:!) (Win:#) (Shift:+) (Ctrl:^)
^+e::Edit ; pulls up this script in text editor
^+r::Reload ; reloads the script
SetCapsLockState, AlwaysOff ; disables the capslock key functionality
- Caps Lock is not a useful key. I use it as a modifier for triggering hotkeys.
:or:ikp::XXX-XXX-XXXX ; fills phone number
:or:ika::XXXXXX XXX XXX ; fills address
:or:ikm::XXXX@XXXX.com ; fills email address
:o:pll:: ; logs in public library
Send, XXXXXXXXXXXXXXX ; fill library card no
Sleep, 10
Send, {Tab} ; switch from username to password field
Sleep, 10
Send, XXXX ; fill library pin
- ❗Only use login information you’re comfortable being stored in plain text.
CapsLock & Space::Send {Backspace} ; trigger backspace more quickly
RCtrl & Up::Volume_Up ; turns the volume up
RCtrl & Down::Volume_Down ; turns the volume down
CapsLock & p::Winset, AlwaysOnTop, , A ; pin/unpin window
CapsLock & v::Send, ^+v ; paste without formatting
:or:gbp::£ ; fills £
:o:sco::🏴 ; fills saltire emoji
Function Hotkeys
Activate browser, mute tab, and switch back to previous window
; Mute Browser Hotkey
RCtrl & m:: ; mute active browser tab
WinGet, ActiveID, ID, A
WinActivate, ahk_exe vivaldi.exe
Sleep 1
SendInput, ^m
Sleep 1
WinActivate, ahk_id %ActiveID%
- This comes in handy for muting internet streams with regular add breaks.
- You will need to replace
with the ahk_exe for your browser, and^m
with your browser’s hotkey for muting the active tab.
Switch back and forth between the system light/dark mode
; Toggle Darkmode Hotkey.
RCtrl & F9::toggleDarkMode() ; toggle dark/light mode
static key := "", mode
if !key
RegRead mode, % key := "HKCU\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Themes\Personalize", SystemUsesLightTheme
mode ^= 1
RegWrite REG_DWORD, % key, AppsUseLightTheme , % mode
RegWrite REG_DWORD, % key, SystemUsesLightTheme, % mode
Google search highlighted text
; Google Hotkey
CapsLock & g:: ; copies and googles text
SendInput, ^c
Sleep 10
Run, https://www.google.com/search?q=%clipboard%
Search Wikipedia for highlighted text
; Wiki Hotkey
CapsLock & w:: ; copy and wiki search text
SendInput, ^c
Sleep 10
Run, http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Search?search=%clipboard%
Temporary Hotkeys
I prefered to have all my hotkeys in one place. These hotkeys are commented out until needed. Simply remove /*
and */
then reload the script to enable a hotkey, or move it to it’s own script.
Add +1 to a value stored in the clipboard
; Incremental Clipboard Numbers.
send ^v
- Identifies a number in the saved in the clipboard and adds +1. It then replaces the clipboard with the new value and pastes it. Useful for incrementing numbers in spreadsheets.
Spoof additional function keys
; Function Key Faker
tooltip, preparing to fire...
Sleep, 3000
Send {F13}
sleep 10
tooltip, BOOM!
sleep 100
- This hotkey can be used when remapping keys in software, allowing you to add additional function keys. Source: Youtube.
Insert character(s) before and after highlighted text
; Insert Characters Around Highlighted Text (Default "")
Send, ^c
Sleep 10
Send, "
Sleep 10
Send, ^v
Sleep 10
Send, "
Insert character(s) before and after copied text
;Insert Characters Around Copied Text (Default "")
Send, "
Sleep 10
Send, ^v
Sleep 10
Send, "
- Useful for copying quotes from books and articles.
Download the full script
You can download the full script here: AHKv1-script.ahk
I also used a community created AHK script to automatically correct commonly mistyped words. You can find that script here: AutoCorrect.ahk
You can run it as a seperate script or add it to the bottom of your main script.