I would like to credit the talented people who developed the resources I use for this website.
Hugo is an open-source static site generator that simplifies the process of creating and managing websites by turning Markdown files into fast and efficient HTML pages. You can find out more about Hugo on their website.
I am using the PaperMod theme for Hugo, with some minor modifications to the css and html to customise the font and image rendering. PaperMod is developed by Aditya Telange and is available on GitHub.
Atkinson Hyperlegible
The font used on this site is called Atkinson Hyperlegible. It was designed by the Braille Institute of America to improve readability for low-vision readers, and is freely available on their website.
A heartfelt thank you to my Dad for having the forsight to purchase this domain when I was a teenager, and for instilling me with an interest in technology and do-it-yourself projects. ❤️